
On My Team

In a family with two boys and two girls (and a healthy competitive spirit), it's inevitable that teams will emerge.  And emerge they have:  The Girls and The Boys are now official teams, only lacking jerseys and secret handshakes.

Teams are useful when 1) racing to get car seat straps secured if we're running late, 2) finishing green smoothies before the main course, 3) cleaning up toys, and a lot of other things.

Teams are also great for making Mommy's heart melt.  Nothing like having her sweet little hands on my face, those big eyes peering into my eyes and a little voice that says, "Mommy, you can be on MY team.  We're The Girls."  Be still my heart.

In fact, "We're The Girls" is a common phrase for us now.  Whether we're talking about the behavior a little girl should (or should not) display, a color of nail polish for our toes, or even the nice way to treat our babydoll toys, the spirit of camaraderie among our home's female residents has been a sweet and surprising way to have those conversations.

Also fun:  Because our cat is female, the boys are always outnumbered.   

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