
The Missing S

There are so many things about Violet that make me smile.  So many.  Her voice is one of them.  It's impossibly high and sweet.  Combined with her (crazy advanced and sassy) vocabulary, well, it's just a recipe for constant smiles.

I started taking note of the particular words that I just adored and noticed a pattern:  She is missing an S.  Not in all words, but in some.  School, for example, becomes "cool".  Snack becomes "nack".  Slippery becomes "lippery".  Snake becomes "nake".  Snow is "no".  Sneaky is "neaky".  And my personal favorite: spilled is "pilled".  But silly, sassy and santa are all pronounced perfectly.  Which gave me the idea that maybe it's only when "s" is the first of two consonant sounds that it's dropped.  After an hour of making her repeat "s" words back to me, I confirmed my theory.

I love the little ideosyncracies that make her who she is.  And for now, I'm not even sad that we're missing an S.  As an added plus, it's hilarious to have her repeat:  "Sneaky snakes slip in the snow."  And "I like to nap in the snood!"  That one was Fernando's idea.  Just sayin'.  

She is also substituting a "w" for a lot of her "r" sounds... but I don't have a theory on that yet.  Give me time, give me time.  

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