Violet's first corn rows held up pretty well, but were past my fuzz tolerance level by day six. So. Out they came. And to my surprise, the braid out that happened was SO FUN. Her hair held the zig zag pattern for most of the day, and it gave her hair and entirely different shape (kind of a mid-80s perm?) that made her look so much older.
We took out the rows over breakfast - they were easier to take out than I had expected, thanks to my pin tail comb. And a bowl full of oatmeal.
Here is a shot of us, almost done:
And here's Ms. V with finished hair, and a dirty face. (Somehow I never think to clean my child before taking photos of her. What is up with THAT?)
Next up: A style that will deliver a killer braid out. Because I could get used to this.
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