
Communications Nerd

Communications Nerd = Me.

Just like with Daniel, I love analyzing Violet's communicative development and watching how she's changing how she expresses her needs.

She is learning sounds and words daily - new syllables appear by the hour. Consonants are being solidified and the babbling is increasing. She says Mama, Dada, Nana (for bottle when she's tired), Baba, All Done ("ah-dah"), More ("moh"), she tries to say Daniel, and I swear she says "yeah" when I ask if she wants something.

She started saying "Ga" (as in "gagagagagaga") yesterday and babbles with a whole host of sounds. She responds when we offer "num nums" (food) and often does the sign for "eat". She says "up up up" with her arms up, to be picked up.

She immitates every click, kiss, or other noise we make with our mouths. She's learning to wave "hi" and "bye", and even to blow kisses. She signs all done, more and please... it's so much fun to teach such an eager learner.

Her latest favorite game: Hearing me say "thank you" when she gives me things. She'll empty her high chair tray contents into my hands (piece by piece) just for the thrill of hearing me thank her!

She is still responding well to both Mari and Violet... and we'll continue to use both names in every day contexts.

I cannot wait to see how she continues to blossom... it's like 12 months of typical communication development on crazy turbo-speed!

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