
Walking Machine

The six steps of two weeks ago turned into seven... then thirteen... then nothing.

Violet decided she was "over" walking and would permanently stick to monkey crawling. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't frustrated, but there is NOTHING you can do to make a baby walk if she doesn't want to. Jell-O legs are the ultimate trump card - they always win.

And then yesterday... suddenly... magically... she changed her mind. Violet is a legitimate walking machine. Not every minute of the day, but it's definitely a drastic improvement. She stands on her own, balances for a minute, and then takes off. I love that she's not frustrated or deterred by falling - even if it's every 5 or 6 steps. She loves the praise afterwards and will even walk on command if you say, "Violet - stand UP! And step - step - step!"

Here we go!

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