
Just the 2 of us!

Well, today Fernando went to work and Daniel returned to school, finally having passed the contagious stage of pink eye. Violet and I enjoyed our first day alone together.

For those of you either bored or interested enough to know the mundane details... read on!

She woke up late... nearly 8 am (I'm not complaining either! I slept until nearly 7:30). We took the boys to Radiant and headed back for the house. After enjoying an entire banana (in record time) I fed her some fruit baby food. She had already learned the sign for "all done" (and can say it too) and today surprised me with doing the sign for "please". A few minutes later during play time, she did the sign for "more" and said the word too... this little lady is a dry sponge, hungry to soak up anything and everything.

We played until about 10:15, watching a "Praise Baby" CD - she loves them and danced along to the music. We read a few books, and I'm happy to see that she's starting to understand what a book is all about. I honestly don't think she had ever been read to before and it took us a few times for her to understand which way the pages go, that she listens while I read, etc. This time she sat in my lap listening well, and helping me turn pages.

She went down for an early nap, and I got some precious quiet minutes to finish one of the Ethiopia blog posts. The nap didn't last long... she often wakes while pooping, leaving her comfortable but cranky. We played with mirrors (she loves kissing herself - like Daniel did) and I couldn't resist but get her dolled up in some sunglasses and a pink fur vest (thanks, Tasha!) for a few photo opps. We enjoyed the late morning sun outside, then she played at my feet in the kitchen while I made lunch.

Not surprisingly, she eats pretty much everything. She chowed on sauteed red peppers and zucchini for lunch, with a few bites of barley cereal. She even played with a fork and if I pre-loaded it with food, she was able to feed herself. She was beaming with pride.

Post-lunch nap was longer (more blog fun for me) and then we watched the last half of "The Proposal" together while playing on the living room floor. Violet survived her first accident at the house - she slipped and hit her teeth on the leg of a chair - lots of blood, but she was fine just minutes later. (Of course it had to happen on MY watch!)

We took some silly videos for Fernando, then headed out to Target for MORE pink coat hangers (thank you Mikki for the explosion in her wardrobe!) We dropped off some ice cream at Radiant, then picked up Daniel early from preschool. He was so happy to see her... showing her off to all his friends and teachers.

The three of us hit Culver's to share an ice-cream cup with Oreos (Daniel's favorite). But Violet was much more interested in tearing up the napkins and applications to Culver's Club. We picked up Fernando at work... enjoyed dinner together... bathtime... bottle... bed.

All in all it was a fun day. Honestly, it was a little awkward at times, as I feel like I'm learning to just be home with her. I constantly worry that I'm not enough entertainment and she's wishing she'd rather be elsewhere. But I know we'll get into our routine quickly. We have lots of fun errands to run tomorrow, then breakfast company from friends the following day! Exciting.

Now I'm off to bed at the ripe old hour of 8:30 p.m. I guess I didn't realize how tiring today actually was! Peace out, people.

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