
The Cousin Factor

We have a lot of cousins. Not on my side (I only had 3 first cousins growing up) but on Fernando's side instead... think "Big Fat Greek Wedding" but Mexican. And it is so. insanely. fun.

Fernando's grandparents, Mami & Papi live in the Valley, along with all of their kids. The "tio and tia" generation is Fernando's parents and all the other aunts and uncles. They moved from Mexico together, pretty much. And then they had kids... that's our generation of "cousins". And now the kids are having kids... the next generation of "cousins".

The girl cousins decided to have a little party last Friday... and it all started with Violet's hair accessories. Areli asked me to teach her how to make the flower clips, and it kind of snowballed from there. Before we knew what had happened, we had a house full of girl cousins, flowers and food. And I can't remember having such a fun evening in a long time. It was silly, loud, mildly inappropriate at times... everything a good girls' night should be.

Violet, we're going to work hard to make sure your generation of cousins stays close. It's such an incredible blessing, to have this kind of built in support/family/friend network. Cousins are some of the coolest family members ever... close enough to be family and fun enough to be friends.

We had so much fun we decided to do a monthly girl cousin night. Next up: Manicures/Pedicures/Facials at Keila's house. Yeah, buddy.

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