
Violet's First Christmas

Well it wasn't technically her first Christmas, but in a lot of ways, it was. Violet got spoiled in a big way - tons of presents and excitement. She just loved being around it all and lended a helping hand to anyone who wanted help unwrapping THEIR presents.

Here are just a few of my favorite memories of Violet from Christmas Day:

- Realizing she actually HAD fallen asleep in the swing on Christmas Eve!
- Watching her devour pullapart cake and fancy mac and cheese like it was going out of style.
- Rocking her to sleep for her Christmas nap... such a tender moment.
- Feeling the warmth of the family network she has - everyone loves her and she loves them all. It's so natural now. The adjustment period is long gone.
- Carrying her on my shoulders for the first time - to see the neighbor's Christmas lights.
- Loving her Elmo for 20 seconds until she saw Daniel's new Astro Boy.
- Daddy running into our room to find another Astro Boy - Daddy saved the day.
- Swinging the day away on our playset. And swinging with her on my lap - she adored it.

The best part of today was just thinking about how much better this Christmas is than her last one. Today just felt so special. I am so grateful she's mine.

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