
Home Sick

Well, I finally got the first of many calls from the preschool... Violet had a fever and needed to be picked up. Poor little thing was burning up and just miserable/exhausted. Honestly I'm surprised she lasted this long without coming down with "The Preschool" disease.

As I'm writing this, she's napping fitfully, but at least she's in her own bed. Every few minutes I head in there to console her and rock her back to sleep. We all know how it feels to be feverish and I wish I could just fix it for her.

However, the sweet cuddle time is nice. I'm not gonna lie.

Lately I have been noticing that I'm drawing out the "she's my baby" stage a little longer than is probably necessary. She doesn't need a bottle anymore, but I still like to give her some milk in a Nuby before bed. She doesn't need to be rocked to sleep anymore (she's amazing at going to sleep on her own) but I'm not quite ready to be done with that yet.

Maybe it's because I missed the first 11 months of babydom with her and I'm making up for lost time. Or maybe it's just because she's such a little lady already and I'm missing the baby in her.

Either way, it's my perogative and I make no apologies: As long as Violet will let me rock/cuddle/baby/indulge her, I will do so.


Adrienne T. said...

Aww...Carrie, that's so sweet. :-) I'm sure she appreciates you and is just as thankful to have you!

Unknown said...

I am right there with you! My babies are turning 18 months and 6 months. The 6 month old is still a baby but I am not ready to let go. Having it fly by with Hosanna makes me appreciate this time with Noah so much more. I am sure Violet is happy with this time too! :)