
Home Study

We are officially done with our home study - our part, at least. We had our second appointment today with Terri. Last week, she spent a few hours with us at home to chat with us there, meet Daniel, see the house, and get an idea of what our daily life is like. Today, we met at her office in Phoenix for individual interviews.

Interviews are always a little nerve-wrecking. Terri was very sweet and professional, and did her best to make it easy on us. Still, by the end of my 90 minute interview, I was a sweaty mess and had broken down in tears while talking about the grieving process our child would go through. Fernando, however (who was initially the most nervous) came out with a huge smile saying "That wasn't bad at all!"

It's a little strange to think of someone capturing your entire personality, life, parenting style and history in just a few hours of conversation. Especially when that person potentially has the power to facilitate your adoption, or to stop it dead in it's tracks. Fortunately for us, God placed Terri in our lives as someone who understands God's model of adoption, has experienced international adoption (twice) and can not only facilitate our home study but offer us valuable insight and advice.

The next steps are 1) re-filing our I600A (apparently they stopped accepting personal checks just a few weeks ago!), 2) waiting a few weeks/months for the home study to be finished, 3) begin preparing our dossier paperwork, and 4) complete our online education required by CWA - a Hague Treaty compliance class. Lots to do!

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