
The Start of Something New

Welcome to our blog! This collection of pictures, videos, links, words and stories is designed to do a few things.

1) Keep all of our friends and family updated on our newest adventure: an adoption from Ethiopia. We believe God is calling us to add to our family through international adoption, in spite of the expense and uncertainty. We have no doubt that His hand is in this.

2) Provide ways that you can get involved with the adoption - easy ways that you can help us make an indescribable change in one precious life. It's as simple as downloading a song, booking a photo session, or donating a few dollars online. Every act of kindness adds up!

3) Serve as a record of our sweet baby's life from day one - from "conception", when we committed ourselves to her/his precious life, whatever the cost. When our son Daniel was born, I began a blog about his little life - his earliest experiences, my earliest parenting lessons, and memories he is too young to retain now but will value in the future. Our second baby deserves no less, and her/his story begins even earlier than Daniel's.

No matter your age, being uprooted from your culture and your biological family is devastatingly difficult. As our child grows up, we want them to be able to read about their history with us. About our strong committment to that little life - our constant prayers for him/her. They belonged with us before they were even conceived - and we're starting down the path that God has already ordained - the path to bring our baby home.

Thanks for joining us on this adventure - stay tuned - this next year promises to be one of the most exciting, challenging, exhausting and amazing ones we've ever experienced!


MariaS said...
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MariaS said...

Having spent the best part of my Friday reading your blogs, yes I ventured over to Daniel's blog and even to your photography blog, I have sat hear laughing, smiling and often crying (a good cry) at your stories of love and devotion. I have done theatrical work on interracial adoption (in London) but from the story of an adopted child rather thanthe mother and so read this blog is truly wonderful as I now truly understand the look in the girl's eye as she spoke of her mother. The love you have displayed in this blog is truly overwhelming. Your blogs reads better than most published books I have read. Your Godliness is touching and inspirational. I could go on but fear that I may begin to sound rather creepy.

I am 22 and not yet ready for children but I hope that when I am, I am half the mother you are. Your story has touched me and for this I thank you. God bless