
This Easter

As a Christian, Easter is naturally a big deal. It's pretty much the whole reason for everything else I do.

But it took on even more significance for our family last year. We got on a plane the day after Easter, and came home a family of four. The themes of new life and fresh starts run even deeper for us now, and through the little life of Violet, we understand God's gift in a whole new way.

Easter has never meant more.

Like usual, we worked the whole weekend. Also like usual, the kiddos were troopers. They loved all the excitement between all the people, the carnival, the animals, the special clothes and (of course) the eggs with candy in them.

Before we headed into work on Saturday, I managed to snap a few photos of them in one of their "Easter Best" in the front yard. Sunday had a whole other color scheme going on, but it was far too insane to even manage a camera phone shot.

We waited until the next day to have Easter fun (read: egg hunt) at home. I'm sure I'll do a whole post about that... way too many cute shots not to share.

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