
Froggy Potty

It has begun: Potty Training.

Well, more like "Potty Interest".

Violet is the proud new owner of a potty she picked out herself... a Froggy Potty. She's too tiny to do it the old-fashioned way and hop on our toilet. She'd fall in and flush herself, most likely.

So, Froggy Potty has joined the family and she is insanely excited. Within the first 24 hours, she peed 4 times and pooped twice. I think it was mostly by accident, as spending that much time on the pot will pretty much guarantee that SOMETHING comes out of you. But still... I'm impressed. She's not even 2 yet.

The cutest part of this whole thing is what she likes to do WHILE sitting on the pot... Turns out Violet's a bathroom reader, folks. She has a little stash of books next to Froggy Potty. And without ruining our family reputation too much, let's just say that the Froggy Potty is located directly next to the Big Potty so if an unnamed parent wants to indulge in a little potty reading time with Violet, it's pretty much the cutest thing ever. Totally un-photographable, but priceless.

Did I mention she calls "poo-poo" "poo-poosh"? Yes, it just keeps getting cuter.

And while we're talking about poo-poosh, I have noticed a whole slew of mystery "sh" sounds appearing in her vocabulary. While it's precious, I hope it wears off at SOME point in the future. Mouse = Moush. House = Housh. Louse = Loush. Ok, we don't really say that word all that often. But you get the idea.

And because I'm already off-point, I'll throw in this final piece of adorable-ness. Her pronunciation of her name has shifted from Ya-Ya to Why-Ya (sometimes Why-Yat). Lovely, except that she calls water Why-Ya. It's tricky when she's thirsty.

Throw in the fact that both "look at me" and "yucky" sound like "yook-a-me" and here's my summary of this blog post in an actual Violet sentence:

"Yook-a-me Mommy... Why-Yat drink lots of Why-Ya and now need Froggy Potty to go pee-pee and yook-ee poo-poosh."


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